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- Discounts
- Create, Edit, or Delete a Discount
Delete a discount
To create, manage, or delete discounts, click Discounts in your Corksy navigation menu. Corksy offers unlimited customization of promotional items which means you can easily activate or automate specials, set usage requirements, active dates, and discount type (% off, $ off, #).
In this article we will review how to properly delete or archive a discount code.
Delete a discount
- Go to Discounts in your Corksy navigation menu.
- From the Discounts page, click the trash icon of the discount you would like to delete.
- Confirm deleting discount from records.
Archive a discount
- Go to Discounts in your Corksy navigation menu.
- From the Discounts page, click the archive button of the discount you would like to archive.
- Confirm that you would like to archive the discount.