Create an Event

To add, manage, or update Event information, click on Events & Reservations in your Corksy navigation menu & click the Events tab. In this article we will review how to properly create a new event. 

Create an Event

Upon creating your first event, the event created will be added to the Events page displaying the event name, time period, status, and call to actions. 


  1. Go to the Events page in your Corksy navigation menu. 
  2. From the Events page, click + Create Event.
  3. Input the following Event information in the General section & click continue. General information includes: 
    • Event name
    • Short & Long Description
    • Event image
    • Start and End date
  4. Once you've reached the Slot Planning section, choose how you would like to configure your slot size. 
    • Maximum guests or Numbers of tables and seats per table
  5. After choosing how to configure the specific event's slot size, you can then enter the Event's start and stop times, as well as the maximum reservation capacity by day/time slot.
    • Slot starts on: Indicates what time an event starts OR what time the tasting room opens. 
    • Slot ends on: Indicates what time an event will end OR what time the tasting room closes. 
    • Max reservations: Allow you to set the maximum number of people before making the reservation or event unavailable for purchase. 
  6. Verify that all time slots by day are correct as these will appear available to your customer in your online store. Once you've confirmed that the slot planning is correct, click continue. 
  7. In the Booking Settings section of the event creation form, you can set specific event rules. These setting include the following:
    • Bookings can be made for the next _____ days. 
    • Can a customer cancel the booking? (Yes/No)
    • Cancellation without penalty is allowed if done before _____ days. 
    • Penalty for cancellation after deadline.
    • Minimum # of guests per booking
    • Maximum # of guests per booking
    • Cost per guest.
  8. Once you have completed your Booking Settings, click save.