How to Create a Product

This article aims to show you how to create a product with step-by-step instructions and tips on how to do this in your Corksy website platform. Creating a product will allow you to showcase your inventory.

  1. Navigate to your site.
  2. Click the “Products” tab. image1-May-11-2024-08-21-22-7626-AM
  3. On the right-hand side of your screen click “Create”image3-May-11-2024-08-21-58-0056-AM 
  4. On the dropdown menu, select “Product”image5-May-11-2024-08-22-28-5605-AM 
  5. Once you’ve selected a product, fill out the name, description, and product type when prompted. The screen should look like this.  image2-May-11-2024-08-22-53-6011-AM
  6. Scroll through the document and fill out all the required information. This should include any media you wish to add (photos or videos of your product), specifications like brand name, alcohol by volume, material type, product size, pricing, and more.
  7. Once you’ve filled out all the required information, Click “Save”image4-May-11-2024-08-23-27-9176-AM