How to Filter Orders & Export Data

In this article, we will review how to properly filter orders so that you can seamlessly filter and export order information based on the different criteria that you're looking for.


  1. Navigate to the “Orders” page in your Corksy portal.image2-May-11-2024-07-57-01-3328-AM
  2. Click "Payment Status" Once you click on Payment Status, there will be a few different options from the dropdown menu. You can filter to see if an item or an order was paid, unpaid, failed, partially paid, partially refunded, or refunded. image7-2
  3. The next filter status is “Fulfillment”. This will allow you to filter by fulfilled, unfulfilled, partially refilled, ready to fulfill, and items that need to be restocked into inventory if a return has happened.image4-4
  4. The “Delivery Status” Tab, will allow you to filter your products based on whether or not an order is set to be picked up or shipped. image1-May-11-2024-07-59-57-8813-AM
  5. You can also filter by “Order Type”, which allows you to sort your orders by E-commerce, wine clubs, manual orders, and your POS.

    ** Note: if you sort by the “Order Type”, then click “Wine Club”, you will see that you can also sort by wine club tiers.image8-3

  6. The “Ship to State” Tab, allows you to filter by state. In this example, all orders are being sent to California.image3-May-11-2024-08-01-27-7271-AM
  7. The “Fulfillment Location” Tab is where the inventory will be. You can look at where the items are sourced from, how many items are being sold, and the weight of each of these.image6-3
  8. You can also filter by Items and Weight which will be the tabs located directly next to Fulfilment Location.
  9. Once you have filtered your orders by the criteria you would like, the next step is to export this information. To Export, go to the top of your page. On the right-hand side is the “Export” button. Once you Click Export, your order status will be exported to Excel, along with the customer's email addresses and phone numbers. If you would like to build marketing campaigns and upload this data into Mailchimp or Klaviyo, this is one way that you can manage and filter your data from the orders tab.image5-3