Why is an email address required to add a new customer?

An email address is essential when adding a new customer

An email address is required to add a new customer to your Corksy Customers for several reasons:

  1. Communication: The email serves as a primary method for communicating with the customer regarding orders, promotions, and any important updates or changes to their account.

  2. Verification: It helps verify the customer’s identity and prevent duplicate accounts, ensuring that each customer record is unique.

  3. Access to Digital Services: If your wine club offers online account management, the email address becomes the login credential or is used for password recovery.

  4. Marketing: Email addresses are key for sending newsletters, special offers, or other marketing communications to keep customers engaged.

  5. Receipts and Order Confirmations: Emails are often used to send order confirmations, receipts, and shipping information to the customer.

  6. Customer Support: It allows for an easy way to reach the customer for support or follow-ups regarding their membership or orders.

Requiring an email ensures you have a reliable and efficient way to manage interactions with the customer.